Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 2 into Weaving ...

You never realised how 'dumb' westies are when you start teaching them new tricks and then remember how many repeitions you have to do it before they 'get' it! 

 This is Day 002 into his 'Weaving' training.
Luckily TOto can follow simple 'Finger' pointing instruction, so on the first day we have to keep repeating with finger pointing 'left', 'right' ,'left', 'right'. Without the finger cue, he will walk off , missed poles or just look at us with this 'blur' look!

It is so much better on the 2nd day, and sometimes he can 'weave' without us giving any 'prompts'! Hopefully the next class at home, will be so much better. But we realised TOto needs at least 3 days of repeitition before he 'understand' any new tricks! 'Understanding' doesn't mean he will do on cue, but his body will respond when cued but not correctly all the time.

Simple 'Back up' took 3 days, let see how long he needs to learn to Weave.


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