Monday, December 27, 2010

Boxing day at Petsmart Daycamp!

The weather is now so cold, it is almost impossible to bring TOto to a dogpark so we brought him to Petsmart Daycamp again on Sunday. Firstly for TOto to play and maintain a healthy weight and mind. Secondly so we can do some groceries and shopping!

We fetch him around 6.30pm and he is 乖乖 sleeping in the Petsmart Crate. Usually their morning play hours are 8am - 12pm, and afternoon session is 1pm - 5pm. But we can bring the dogs in as early as 7am and come fetch them as late as the 'Closing' hours of the store. The hours that they are not playing, they are usually crated. Petsmart has more flexible hours as compare to alot of Doggie Daycamp out there. But the one bad thing is, I find their play area too small for Toto to really RUN about. But at least his mind is 'stimulated' with the play with his Doggie friends!

See Toto at the corner of the crate resting! He must be very tired ...
He saw mommy taking photos outside the double door!
Sitting up to double confirm, is mommy and daddy standing outside!!
Hope he can go home and just sleep and sleep!

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