We finally order our Crate from Meijer.com!
Hubby search all OVER and found that Meijer has a HUGE discount for Suncast Deluxe Dog Carrier for USD27.99, almost everywhere is selling for USD49.99.
The catch, in order to enjoy free shipping we have to buy UP to USD75.00! We tried OUR VERY BEST and manage to BUY up to that amount! We even have to get 2 of the Sheepskin Pet Bed! Hubby say bed need to wash, so while washing, he can use the 2nd one! We also gotten 2 different size of Kong Toy! Reviews online show that KONG is recommended in EVERY BOOK and almost everywhere ONLINE! SO Kong is a MUST BUY~

Look at crate picture which dog tag name 'Max' ...
We have a eerie history with Meijer.com. In February when we decide to get a puppy, freighting him was an important issue. So CRATE was the first thing we research on. And co-incidentally, both of us like the design from Suncast , which brought us to Meijer.com of course! And there is ONCE this page shows up which was so eeeeeeerily spooky ...
HOW THE HELL did the 'page' know that our puppy's name is going to be TOTO and that TOTO comes from Kansas! I swear we didn't enter any of our puppy info!!
EEErrieee right!
And if you look up at the Crate picture, the dog tag name is 'MAX' which is our Puppy Birthname 'Maximillion'...
Please note all these happen in February 13 which is 10days after we book the puppy!
Is everything fated that we should get Maximillion and name him TOTO?
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