Sunday, September 29, 2013

Raw Diet - Added PORK!

Supposedly TOto's 3rd protein!
I bought 500gram of lean pork for TOto to try it out and added it into his usual mixture. On average TOto has about 1-2 eggs per week. And he LOVES raw egg and always slurp everything up.

(Pork, Chicken drumlett, Chicken gizzard, Chicken Liver, Supplements and a monthly heartworm pill)

Some observation after almost 2months  ...

  • So far he hasn't has any leaky anal gland issues, till now.
  • He also stop having any stomach rumblings issues.
  • He eats everything with vigor without us having to pester him to eat. (But sometimes he did miss a meal or 2 but then it hasn't deter him from having a BIG dinner later.)
  • His mouth doesn't smell as bad like when he ate kibbles!
  • His fur seems to be growing out whiter, and strong. He actually shed lesser when we combs him out.
  • Everyone praises TOto, saying that he didn't have the usual 'Dog Smell'! But he never has that problem, we think! Hmmmmm ....
  • Although he weighs the same but his chest has FILL OUT quite abit, and he looks less lanky.

Some pictures of our happy furryboy!

till NEXT ...

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Some obvious changes with Raw Diet ...

Look at the new fur growing out of his muzzle, it looks like the discolouration are clearing up!
But then again, has it got to do with the water in Singapore as compared to the water in Texas? 
Well, hmmmmm ...
But it is so obvious that the new fur growing out are all WHITE!

TOto enjoying his bowl of Duck Meat!
Daddeee thinks that the discolouration on his back is getting better too!
There are more white fur growing out and maybe after a session of handstripping, the remaining discoloured fur will be totally removed?
This is a picture when TOto just came back to Singapore ...
Look at the back, his back has this slight beigey-cream tint to it, and we figured that it is in his Gene. But come to think of it, it might be the kibbles?
A recent picture of him looking so much whiter ...
Look at how WHITE he is!

Or is it just the 'WATER' issue?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Raw Duck Preparation for TOto, and PLAY!

Momsie gotten used to the idea of TOto eating a Raw Diet and has gotten TOto a DUCK! But she says she wnted half for soup, so another half was 'bestowed' to TOto! 

And I was tasked to CHOP UP and SKINned the duck! 
Momsie gotten; Gizzards, livers and the hearts too!
So these are chopped up, weighed and packed nicely into little one meal packet.
Each packet about 100gram, including 5% liver and abit of heart.
Usually I leave out about 3 packets in the fridge and the rest are kept in the freezer!
These are the measured out one portion!
But TOto hates livers and hearts, and would always picked them out! So I figure that if I chopped everything up nicely he is not as choosy, but sometimes he still manages to PICK OUT that tineeeewee bit of liver. Arrrghhhhhh ...

And today I tried feeding him planning raw meat/bones and liver; surprisingly he ate everything! Usually I add Yoghurt to increase his appetite!
Right after his meal, TOto just 'parked' himself on the fall right to boing. 
... waiting and waitng ... 
EYES intently on Daddeee ...
Hahaha he knows hubba finished his meal and is ready to PLAY!
The Play hasn't starts and he is already happily waiting and anticipating ...

How do you not LOVE him?

Monday, September 23, 2013

Voices for Animals Adoption Drive

I was curious and we took a drive down; 11 Pasir Ris Farmway 2!
It was consider a rather huge event in Singapore? There were also a Collection drive for kids in Cambodia so lots of people were driving in dropping the donations and then crowding around the area. From my understanding all the dogs are exbreeding dogs that cannot be breeding anymore.
And I saw this female westie, my heart almost popout, I WANT HER!
And I think her name is Lala from the website I see ...
There were a few handsome westie boys too BUT these boys cannot be with other boys!
And while I was there a Westie boy by the name Logan was adopted.
So happy!
*clap clap*
Saw a Shiba Inu too.
Lotsa of maltese, tzetsu, chihuahua around ...
I guess these are the more popular dogs in Singapore which explains why ...
I am really interested in adopting Lala but there are alot of other issues to consider. 
Adoption is very different from getting a new puppy, one can never guess the underlying issues (pyschologically and physically) they have. And with YQ flying about, is it difficult to have another westie? Can I handle two? Who should sit on my lap? Hmmmmm ...

Anyway, we brought TOto to the U Petgamart next door with a dog park for dogs to run in!
TOto ran and played a while with a few furryfriends.
The dog park is actually rather clean ...

By the time we are going home, TOto is knocked out.
It was so hot, I have to shade him in the car!

And worst of all, there is a huge jam while going home!
Lala should I come get you?

I realised you can only adopt or visit the furrykids during their adoption drive, so I can only go see her again next on their next adoption drive. So sad ... It's not right, I think the adoptee should really spend some time with the furrykids before we make a decision and especially if I already have a furryboy and will want to see whether they can be together ...

Plus their medical condition are all indicated as 'UNKNOWN'. 
What if people adopted a sick furrykids and then cannot afford the medical bills?
Hmmmm ...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

TOto you are the "Smiliest Westie"!

We don't have a big yard, or a big pool, a big house or a big garden but still we have one of the happiest and smiliest Westie around. Most of the photographs of TOto are of him smiling at me. I am just glad that he is always this happy and worrifree ~

A recent series of TOto's everyday photo ...

Smile and be happy always!

Happy even at a gf house!
How not to love him?

A night out cycling, and TOto gives me a "Mammeee, you call me?"

Behind this Angelic smile is literally behind him, "Mammeee boing boing?"
"NOPE it's 1.30am!"

Happily waiting to run after the ball ...

Just happily enjoying daddeee attention!

Smiling even on a MIDNIGHT walk!
A bonus walk for him to poop ...

Still smiling even when he is being wipe down for his bed time!

How not to love this smiley furryboy!?

Thursday, September 19, 2013


TOto's underpaw is getting long and he needs a shave badly!
And he loves the attention daddeee showers on him!

... BLISS ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

B2K Yishun Warehouse Sale!

We cannot miss a Warehouse sale especially for PET!
We wanted to look for some eye solution, toys, or whatever we can find them CHEAP!
There were messy and in boxes so you have to dig your hands in boxes and dust! I couldn't handle that so I just take care of TOto!
The lady boss were very impressed with TOto hahaha and call him a BIG DOG! She was impress TOto didn't bark and was doing his own stuffs and didn't bother anyone!
TOto were the only dog there and the staffs were not bothered by him!
Nothing much we can buy, dog bowls are huge, crates are  way too small.
TOto eat Raw diet, and only home made treats so there isn't much we wants.
There were boxes of my favourite ME-to-YOU bear dog's item!
But we managed to grab some stuffs and these are what we gotten!
A shampoo to wash his washcloth, 2 pull toys and a collar.
The dental treats are given to us, maybe we can gift it to Oska; a friend new puppy Shiba! 

TOto need more toys!