The weather finally got better ...
@24C, we definitely have to get out of the house!!
So we choose an event from the long list available.
The plan is to go for a relaxing event today and bring TOto out for a swim session tomorrow.
So we drove to "Embrace the Street" @ Race Street, Fort Worth.

It is almost an hour drive away ...
But when we arrived, the place is rather empty ...
I think we arrived too early ...
There wasn't much pop-up stores about ...
Although the wind is cooling but the sun ray is a killer ...
There was a small area separated off to be a small dog park area but there wasn't any dog inside for TOto to play with.
Slowly an Adoption event starts to move-in ...
And we saw 8 puppy mutts waiting to be adopted!
Puppies, SO CUTE!
A food truck ...
It was hot, and the street is chuck full of broken glasses on the sidewalks.
And there are lotsa of prickly weeds/seeds that were stuck onto TOto's bum and paw. We spend some time pulling out these prickly weed/seed thingy off TOto's fur and paw. These things are so sharp, they prick and bleed me while pulling it off TOto. So we got really irritated at the environment and left shortly ...
But we still had some time to take an interesting reflection of us ...
Felt abit cheated by the 'event' and thought that the 1 hour drive here is wasted.
So we decide to drive about another 20minutes to Arlington, TX to the new Paragon Outlet that just open up on Labour Day a few weeks ago!
Luckily we brought TOto's zippy stroller!
He don't really enjoy being inside but still when 'requested' he jumped into it and sat quietly inside the crate throughout the whole window-shopping trip!
Luckily the outlet is shaded!
TOto attracted ALOT Of attention young and old ...
Most people do not expect to see a furryboy inside the stroller and when they realised TOto is inside they will alway break into a smile. At one point inside Bloomingdales, TOto has 4 staffs oooooohhhhing and aaaaaahhhhing infront of him! TOto is a good sport as well, he just sat quietly inside.
At the end of everything, TOto is just too tired mentally ...
And he slept for the rest of 1 hour drive home ...
Hopefully he is UP for the swim event tomorrow ...