A huge bag for USD33.00, a cool gel mat for USD15.00, and a Stitch costume for USD7.50. Maybe more to come ...

Sunday, October 30, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
less than one week TO GO ...
We have been giving TOto the "Go Back Singapore" pep talk everyday, a few times a day!
We kept on assuring him we will be back in THIRTY DAYS; as frequently as we can. I don't how much he can understand but he has been very 'sticky' recently. TOto has been snuggling with me for the past few nights! Usually he will just move away but this few nights he just snuggle closer ...
This morning when I am still lazing in bed, Toto 'sat' in between my legs helping me fend off HOUSEFLIES while I refuse to move or wake up. Usually he will follow the houseflies about the house, 'fighting' them. But today he just sat right there defending the 'sleeping' mammeee, just chasing the houseflies away!
So sweet right, my heart melted right there, got to wakey wakey to bring my brave boi down for his morning walk!
Haha too tired from fending off houseflies today!
We can throw EVERYTHING away from my home except this COFFEE TABLE.
This is his private digging ground, bedroom, playground, and hiding place.
TOto mammeee ♥ U!
Journal - Daily-logue
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
2011 Half Annual Bordetella Shot
TOto is now 1 year 8 months old weighing in at a healthy weight of 19.1lbs.
Vet says TOto has very clean ear and teeth.
Mammeee PLUCK TOto ears very often and washed them out.
And we try to brush TOto as much as we can!
And Vet is impressed that TOto is allergy free!
Yup because we hand-stripped him and is very strict with his diet. But of course one day I wished to convert him to half home cook, and half kibble.
This is TOto Bordetella that is 'shot' through the nose!
And Mrs Vet remember TOto is the dog that doesn't bark, nip or bite.
TOto remember the vet too and was trying to HIDE his butt away from Mrs VET as much as he can! His tail was trying so hard to cover his butt-h*le! It was so funny! He remember all the 'worm' test that they do! All end well, and TOto is all ready for DAYCAMP everyday starting next week!
The clinic is infested with migrating birds today, so scary!
Next appointment will be in APRIL 2012.
Journal - Health Issues
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Pep't talk, really?
The weather is really good this 2 days, and TOto should be in bed sleeping on a cold, windy Saturday night.
He had a long day; Agility in the morning and we brought him out for a long walk at Legacy Drive.
But he refuses to sleep, keep walking in and out barking at other dogs on the Patio. Even when we blocked him in the bedroom, he will whine to go out. Up till about 2am he was still barking on the Patio, I cannot stand it anymore, I carried him in and crated him!
When he walked into the crate, he didn't lie down; he was in a half squat position. He was facing the opposite direction, turn his face gave me one look and turn away ...
I knew he was angry and told my husband to do something about it.
My husband open the crate, ask him to lie down and gave him a PEP TALK!
Conversation about how he has a long day, and he was tired and we did give him a long walk at the park. And it is late, so he should be sleeping etc etc. He has to be a good boy, etc etc. I want to 'FAINT'!
And right after the PEP TALK, he walked out DIRECTLY to his usual bed area and sleep!
Arrrghhhh ...
Our westie TOto @ Level 1 Fun Xdog Agility Lesson 4
TOto doesn't seems to enjoy 'Agility' as much as we wants him to! When we mention the word to him; his eyes doesn't light up like the word 'Dog Park' or 'Walk walk'. He will gives you a 'Huh, ok' look and look away immediately! I hate to see TOto being pull about by his leash too. I guess if we want TOto to perform well and enjoy the game it has to be at our own pace and practises without distraction. In my opinion, I think TOto can sense Dadddeee itsy-bitsy annoyance or frustration and plus TOto is so condition to think that they are 'free-falling' treats everywhere, he just couldn't focus and concentrate on his 'Job'!
But when TOto gets to play with the gigantic 100+lbs Leonberger in class, he suddenly turns into a active happy puppy rolling about. We should start considering other 'Sports' for TOto.
Today's video has 2 part; 1st is his agility run through and 2nd part is how TOto play with a 100+lbs leonberger! This is the first time I have seen this breed of dog, and they are so GIGANTIC but so gentle. They looks like they are playing with hamster when they play with TOto, so funny!
But when TOto gets to play with the gigantic 100+lbs Leonberger in class, he suddenly turns into a active happy puppy rolling about. We should start considering other 'Sports' for TOto.
Today's video has 2 part; 1st is his agility run through and 2nd part is how TOto play with a 100+lbs leonberger! This is the first time I have seen this breed of dog, and they are so GIGANTIC but so gentle. They looks like they are playing with hamster when they play with TOto, so funny!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Dog Park 'Pet' Peeves
There are so much itsy bitsy stuffs that one find annoying when in a dog park. Generally the most disgusting ones are not picking up poopsie after their dog!
And very high on my list next would be when a dog is so 'under-socialised', it will ask its Mommy to carry it when another dog approaches and the mother did just that! I am no expert but I feel that, that is the WRONG way to teach your dog on socialising. It always left TOto wanting to JUMP on the person to reach the dog which is in her arm!! In the end, the brat/no-manners dog become TOto! I mean c'mon, they just want to sniff each other butt, TOto is not going to chew its head off!
When TOto is still a puppy, we will squat down, hold on to TOto chest make him sit and let the other dog approach. And if the other dog is friendly, they will start to play. That is all to socialisation! Arrgh!
If you LOVE to just carry your dog in your hand KINDLY DO SO AT HOME! Dog Park is for doggies to run on the ground, socialise and mingle on a neutral fair ground; not to let them learn bad habit such as this!
Arrrrghhh ...
So the whole night, this lady is carrying the dog in her arm. When she sat on the bench, her dog is on the lap!
Or maybe I am just being abit bi'actchy that night!
And very high on my list next would be when a dog is so 'under-socialised', it will ask its Mommy to carry it when another dog approaches and the mother did just that! I am no expert but I feel that, that is the WRONG way to teach your dog on socialising. It always left TOto wanting to JUMP on the person to reach the dog which is in her arm!! In the end, the brat/no-manners dog become TOto! I mean c'mon, they just want to sniff each other butt, TOto is not going to chew its head off!
When TOto is still a puppy, we will squat down, hold on to TOto chest make him sit and let the other dog approach. And if the other dog is friendly, they will start to play. That is all to socialisation! Arrgh!
If you LOVE to just carry your dog in your hand KINDLY DO SO AT HOME! Dog Park is for doggies to run on the ground, socialise and mingle on a neutral fair ground; not to let them learn bad habit such as this!
Arrrrghhh ...
So the whole night, this lady is carrying the dog in her arm. When she sat on the bench, her dog is on the lap!
Or maybe I am just being abit bi'actchy that night!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Garlic Yes or NO?
Ever since I started my first biscuit baking, I never stop; for one reason this is TOto's vitamin biscuits! Initially we are skeptical whether this pills does work on TOto but on a few occassion that I didn't bake these biscuits; TOto brought home 'Puppy warts'.Canine papilloma virus is contagious and high likely TOto got it from daycamp or dogparks! The first time when TOto gotten them at the mouth, we are so worried we research frantically! We almost brought him to the Vet as an EMERGENCY CASE in the middle of the night!
Is Garlic Good or Bad for Dogs?
Naturaldoghealthremedies.com claims that garlic boosts immunities, fights infection, enhances liver function, lowers blood fats, and repels ticks and fleas, yet cautions that large doses given to dogs on a regular basis can cause oxidative damage to red blood cells leading to Heinz-body anemia and even death. They also caution that puppies under the age of 8 weeks, dogs scheduled for surgery, and those with pre-existing anemia should not be given garlic.
The 2nd time I stop baking, TOto again gotten them on his 'FACE'! Geeesh, from then onward, this is a STAPLE and I have found the 'correct' dosage for TOto! There is one time I over-dosage the biscuit on the Garlic Pills and if TOto had more than 2 of the biscuit at one time, he will start vomiting! I had to threw that batch away and re-bake. After the 2nd recurrence of the Canine papilloma virus, even my Husband is a convert and will remind me that my biscuit is running low ...
This is the best combo for TOto; 6 Garlic Oil Perles Softgels, and 6 salmon oil Softgels .
His favorite is still, Peanut Butter and I added Apple sauce this time round!
Ingredient (Estimation) : 1 cup of wholewheat flour, 1 mashed banana, 1/4 cup of Peanut Butter, 1/4 cup of Apple sauce, 1 tbsp of flaxseed and 1/4 cup of Rolled Oats.
I slow baked them using 320C for first 30minutes and 300C for another 30minutes! Make sure the biscuit are dry enough to last for at least a month! And one cup of flour usually yield 2 cups of biscuits!
The most time-consuming part of the baking is ROLLING them into individual 1/2tsp of balls! But TOto loves them when I throw the biscuit and the biscuit bounces everywhere. He will think that the biscuit is a little hamster and start chasing and capturing the biscuit and then throwing the biscuit about and playing with the biscuit for sometime before he devour his 'prey'! It is so satisfying watching him play with this special treat like there is a 'ritual' right before he eat Mammeee's love biscuit!
Please understand this is based on our own experience.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Grand Opening of Frisco Dog Park
There are so many events this weekend in our area, but we have our errands to run in the afternoon, BUT we still manage to rush to this doggie event at the very last minute!
We have been waiting for Frisco Dog Park to open up for years, we thought this will be nearer to us! But in the end it is about the same distance as going to Lewisville Dog Park.
By the time we reached the park, most of the stalls are closing up.
It's ok we are here to visit the dog park.
The Carpark area are close off for Stalls to be set up.
The new park is CLEAN and everything smell so 'fresh'.
There is a shaded area for the 'beans' to sit and it comes with tables too! I guess not long before the area will be VERY DIRTY with food and drinks thrown everywhere especially if the 'beans' are not automatic enough. BAD IDEA!!
The park is not flat ground, it is sloped down; BAD idea number 2! Too much BLIND SPOT.
Doggies' owner might not spot their dogs pooping or being naughty, if they just sit their ass in the shaded pavilion. And most owner DO THAT!
There are water pipes and water point, INSIDE the dogpark; BAD IDEA number 3! Usually these water area create all these puddles that make the ground MUDDY and DIRTY! Gosh, there this other westie was so dirty playing in the water, he become so dirty and muddy!! I still prefer the water point to be OUTSIDE the dogpark!
This is the dirty westie, hahaha; Jet.
We sat at the bottom of the park near some shade where alot of dogs are crowded here ...
Spot TOto minnie bag!
TOto enjoyed his stay here but I still prefer Lewisville dogpark; SIMPLE and CLEAN! The landscape of this park is really good but then I guess the 'bean' really think too much into 'designing' the dogpark but they didn't realise; DOGS, they really didn't need much, JUST EMPTY flat ground to run and play in! The landscape although pretty but too complicated for my liking!
I guess we won't be coming here very often!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
It all about TOto (Sat) Pt 3 - Westies GONE WILD @ Toyota Lewisville Dogpark
Yeah Part III!
We muster out last breath of energy to bring TOto to the DOGPARK. The weather is FANTASTIC-O, and it is a Saturday, we are 100% sure that the dogpark will be crowded!
And TOto become the 'STAR' once he stepped in, every doggies wants a piece of him and he was too overwhelm to play! Hahaha ~
In the end, the three of us was so dead TIRED!
He didn't even have the strength to open his eyes for the camera, and snuggled himself on this 3 layer-bed!
We muster out last breath of energy to bring TOto to the DOGPARK. The weather is FANTASTIC-O, and it is a Saturday, we are 100% sure that the dogpark will be crowded!
And TOto become the 'STAR' once he stepped in, every doggies wants a piece of him and he was too overwhelm to play! Hahaha ~
In the end, the three of us was so dead TIRED!
He didn't even have the strength to open his eyes for the camera, and snuggled himself on this 3 layer-bed!
And I thought he wouldn't wake up for his 5am Guard-duty but he still WAKE up for it!
It is really a long day for the 3 of us!
Counting down 2 more weeks to go home ...
It all about TOto (Sat) Pt 2 - 17th Annual Dog Day Afternoon
The event, benefiting Operation Kindness, Dallas' oldest no-kill animal shelter, has vendors offering samples and free goody bags, a pet psychic, an alumni parade and face painting for the humans. Plus there's live music by GT Texas, not to mention complimentary microchipping for the first 50 dogs. The party takes place at Flag Pole Hill located at White Rock Lake from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.
Right after Agility, we drove 40minutes to another event at Flagpole hill ...
Many people and doggies attended the event!
There were something for the kid too!
The park was nice with lots of green to run about ...
A Hugh Hefner Pug with his 'Naked Bunny Boston'!
A LION in the house too!
A COOL biker Shitzu?
But TOto is too tired, to enjoy the event.
TOto is almost HALF 'dead', he slept the rest of the way home on the FLOOR!
There is PART III!
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